
Jaap Boonstra

Profesor de Dinámicas Organizativas en Esade Business School y profesor de Cambio Organizacional en la Escuela de Gestión de Róterdam de la Universidad Erasmus

Jaap Boonstra is a professor of Organization Dynamics at ESADE Business School in Barcelona (Spain) and visiting professor of Organizational Change at WU, Vienna University for Economics and Business. He is a senior lecturer at the Netherlands School of Public Administration in The Hague. Before he worked as a professor of Organizational Change and Learning at the University
of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and as Dean of Sioo, Interuniversity Center for Organizational Change and Learning (The Netherlands).

At ESADE Business School he is involved in education on strategic and cultural change in organizations, organizational and professional development and cross-cultural mergers and alliances. His research focuses on transformational leadership, success factors to organizational change and innovation, power dynamics in organizations, cross-cultural management and organizational change and development.

As an independent consultant he is involved in change processes in international business firms and organizational networks in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain. In addition, he is a member of supervisory and non-executive boards in financial services and public institutes in health care, safety, and youth care.

Jaap has published more than two hundred articles on technological and organizational innovation, management of organizational change, politics in organizations, strategic decision making and transformational change in production firms, the service sector and public administration. He published several articles in Harvard Deusto Management Review about organizational change and development, strategic and cultural change, and transformational leadership.

His international books are Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning (Wiley 2004), Intervening and Changing (Wiley, 2007), Organizational Change and Leadership in Organizations (Wiley, 2013), Change Management Adventures (Warden Press, 2016) and Organizational Change as Collaborative Play, (Boom Amsterdam, 2019) and together with Francisco Loscos El cambio como un juego de interaccion estrategica (Profit editorial, 2019).


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